Your kids' financial education matters more than you think

Unlock powerful lessons and share them with your kids right from the beginning so that you can empower their financial future.

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It's Never Too Early To Start Talking To Your Kids About Money

Discussing finances openly with your children might feel taboo…

But if you keep money a deep dark secret it can lead them down a path of significant debt, hindered credit scores, limited housing options, lower mortgage qualifications, and, in certain instances, restricted employment opportunities.

What if There Was A single Skill You Could Teach Your Kids That Secures Lower Interest Rates, Unlocks top-tier job opportunities, and

paves the way for an early retirement?

Picture this - your kids, not living in your basement at 27, boasting a pristine credit score that secures dream jobs, and resisting the urge to Splurge their entire paycheck on the latest tech gadgets.

If you’re nodding along, ready to give your kids a financial head start, a foundation that erases fear and paves the way for a successful future, then you’re in the right place. 

Because, yes, you want your kids to build a solid money foundation. Yes, you want them to approach finances with confidence. And, absolutely, you want to ensure their path is paved for success.

It’s YOU – the parent ready to empower your kids with the skills they need for a financially thriving future!

Empower your kids for a financially thriving future with KIDS & CASH

Unlock the secrets to raising money-smart kids with our comprehensive kids & cash course

From early financial literacy to smart money habits, this program is your guide to equipping your children with the skills they need for a lifetime of financial success. Join us on this journey to empower your kids and set them on the path to financial independence!”

Here's what you'll get


Immediate access to six comprehensive training modules tailored to different age groups. From ages 5-11, 12-15, and 16-20, to specialized topics like jobs, work, money mindset, and investing. Each module is designed to provide actionable steps for every stage of your child’s development.


Dive into a vibrant community of parents who understand your journey intimately. Share experiences, ask questions, and receive invaluable support from others facing similar challenges. This is your tribe – a place to celebrate successes, tackle obstacles, and thrive together.


Elevate your learning experience with downloadable materials. Implement the strategies seamlessly with resources like family bank templates, charts, and guides. Turn theory into practice, making financial education a fun and interactive part of your family life.

Embark on this transformative journey with Kids & Cash, where financial empowerment for your kids begins today!


Escape the statistics that plague young adults with negative net worths. Kids & Cash provides the knowledge foundation to shield your child from financial pitfalls.

Plus, discover how this program might just spark positive changes in your own financial situation. Join the movement for a brighter financial future!

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Break Free from Traditional Learning - Kids Deserve More

Let’s be honest – you’re a passionate parent, always looking for ways to give your kids a leg up.

But here’s the harsh reality: schools aren’t teaching them about finances.

Amidst studying historical documents like the Magna Carta, there’s a glaring gap – zero education on tax brackets, W4’s, or the significance of a credit score.


We don’t want your kids navigating this financial maze alone.

In Kids & Cash, we’re not just closing the knowledge gap; we’re turning financial education into an engaging game.

Imagine providing your kids with simple tools that make learning about money feel like play.

You’ll help them build those saving muscles, teaching them when to make wise purchases and when to indulge in a little fun. After all, who doesn’t love an Amazon splurge now and then?

Even if doubts creep in about being the best financial mentor for your child, we’re here to assure you – you are.

And Kids & Cash is your roadmap to making it a reality.

It’s time to take charge early, lay the groundwork for their financial triumph, and have some fun along the way!


Kids & Cash isn’t just a course; it’s your passport to a community that understands the challenges of discussing money with your kids. In a world where the financial conversation is often hushed, finding a supportive community is priceless. It’s the safe space you need to share, learn, and grow.

Get ready for training that simplifies complex financial topics. We’re not just talking theory; we’re introducing you to practical tools, like setting up a family bank, turning the unfamiliar into the achievable. Kids & Cash provides the guidance you’ve been seeking, making those seemingly tricky subjects not just understandable but downright conquerable.

But here’s the real gem – unlocking your family’s generational wealth. This isn’t just about your kids; it’s about creating a financial legacy that spans generations. Kids & Cash lays out the pathway, giving you the keys to build a solid foundation for your family’s financial future. Don’t miss out; it’s time to make a lasting impact!

are you ready for...

Here's What They Say About Kids & Cash

Biggest takeaways... It's never too early or too late to start talking to your kids about $$. Play games that teach key concepts. It's important to give them $$ while they're still at home in order to train them how to give, save, spend and invest! Thank you for creating such value for your audience. You are a wealth of knowledge, and I appreciate you sharing it.
It was fantastic! Camilla did such a wonderful job conveying and clarifying the topic!

Let's build a realistic view of your child's future

To help your children from ages 5-20 be financially responsible adults and actually love money they need to learn how to save, spend, and invest wisely. Even better than we know right now. 

And yes, you do need to include spending in their education so they know when it’s worth it to splurge and when it’s better to hold off on spending $1,000 for the newest iPhone. 

One of the most effective ways for kids to start learning young is through a family bank. Inside Kids & Cash I’ll teach you how to set up your own family bank (which acts like a real bank except you’re the owner) so that they can gain real life experience in learning how to save, spend, give, and invest. 

From there we jump into giving your teenager more money freedom by opening up a bank account for them and allowing them to start building credit under your watchful eye. It’s better for your kids to make mistakes with money in your home than out

Lastly we teach you how to get your kids to start investing in real life. Give them the opportunity to grow by figuring out their net worth, and allowing them to learn more about becoming entrepreneurs. Whether they want to mow lawns, hang Christmas lights, or work in your business for a time it is all a great way to build those experience muscles for the future when they are on their own. 

Hey, I'm Camilla

Camilla Jeffs' Family

I’m so glad you’re here. 

I have 5 children who are successfully saving, spending, giving, and investing their hard earned money so they can grow their net worth and are ready to take on the world when they leave the house. 

Your journey and choices are not only for your fulfillment; you show your family what is possible. You have the power to inspire the next generation simply by choosing to teach what you know. 

My experience as a mom of 5 not only grew me, but made me realize we need to be teaching our children about money and finances now so they don’t have to learn what we wished we knew earlier. 

Frequently Asked Questions answered!

You will have access to each module in the course library. All you have to do is login, find the exact age of your child(ren) and learn how to start right where they are to teach them good money habits.  

Absolutely! Kids & Cash is designed to take any child from ages 5+ and teach them how to use money to further their future and reach their own goals. We cover each age group so you have the tools you need to help them create a solid financial plan for their future. 

The one thing I wish I had done was invest in my financial development earlier. There is never “too early” when it comes to building your families financial future. The key to generational wealth is wealth education. And with your lifetime access you will always be able to come back to remember the different implementation strategies for each age group.

Yes! The first module we cover is all about money mindset. It’s designed to get you as the parent to gain a positive relationship with money so you can convey that positivity to your kids. 

Dave Ramsey and YouTube only teach about money management and financial tools.

We’re going to focus on the right mindset, not just giving kids the actual financial tools. We’re focusing on getting them the right mindset so when they become adults they don’t have to rewire their brain like we all had to.

Plus, I’ll teach you how to get your child to invest and start a portfolio as a teenager.

No need to stress if your first credit card funded a booze cruise to Cancun - you can still instill financial wisdom to your kids

I get it – talking about money is awkward, maybe even a bit taboo. Chances are, as a child, bringing up money led to some uncomfortable situations. However, avoiding the topic won’t help.

By actively building family wealth, you empower yourself to guide your kids toward financial responsibility, alleviate their fears about independent living, and set them on a path to becoming successful, fulfilled adults.

This is where Kids & Cash steps in to support you.

When you sign up for KIDS & CASH You'll Get...

Snag over $820 in value for only $97



Your child is NOT going to be the one of their friends who ends up living in your basement until they’re 42. 

Your child WILL BE the one with the immaculate credit score, the good paying job, and a portfolio of investments. 

So if they choose to retire at 42, they can. 

Join Kids & Cash Now
and start your kids financial journey to success
Only $97

Copyright 2024 | Camilla Jeffs | All Rights Reserved 

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